5 min read

How Much Does a New Roof Cost in Florida?

Written by
Rob Reich
Published on
July 3, 2024

Your roof has seen better days. Between the rain and the sunlight and the general passing of time, it's incurred quite a bit of wear and tear. The only thing left to do now is replace it.

The question you have, though, is how much does a new roof cost in Florida? In truth, it depends on a variety of factors. We're going to discuss those factors below, giving you a general estimate of how much your roof replacement might cost you. Let's get into it!

How Much Does a New Roof Cost in Florida?

While there can be a great deal of variation in roof replacement costs, we're going to pin down the average cost for you to use as a guideline. Across the entire state of Florida, a roof replacement costs an average of $15,000 for a home of 2,000 square feet. Most homeowners pay between $10,000 and $20,000.

Of course, that's for an average roof, the likes of which generally involve asphalt shingles. For something more extensive, you're going to end up paying more money.

Factors That Affect Roofing Costs in Florida

When installing a roof, there are a number of different factors that can affect the overall cost. The most prominent of these factors include the following:

Roofing Material

Perhaps the most important factor is the type of roofing material that's being used. Different materials cost different prices, with some materials being much more expensive than their competitors. There are many different types of roofs available.

The cheapest material is asphalt shingles. The most expensive material is slate or clay tiles. Cedar shakes and metal panels lie somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

Note, though, that every material has capabilities that may or may not make their cost worth your while. For instance, slate and clay tiles are expensive. However, they also last over 100 years, and therefore provide tons of bang for their buck.

Asphalt shingles, on the other hand, are highly affordable, but only last around 30 years. They don't quite possess the luxurious aesthetic of slate and clay tiles either. Therefore, while they may save you some money, they might not live up to your expectations.

This is why, before purchasing anything, you need to do your due diligence on the residential roofing materials that are available to you. Gain a full understanding of each material, and buy according to your preferences and desires.

The Manufacturer of the Roofing Material

It's not just the material itself that affects the price, but the manufacturer of the roofing material as well. Whereas a highly reputable manufacturer's roofing materials are typically going to be fairly expensive, a little-known manufacturer's roofing materials are likely going to be on the cheap side.

You can sometimes get deals by opting for lesser-known manufacturers. However, if you do so, you'd better do your research first.

Oftentimes, lesser-known manufacturers are lesser-known because they lack the quality of more reputable manufacturers. So, while their products might be cheaper, they might not last as long or perform as well either. Only by researching them extensively can you decide whether they're worth your money.

The Area in Which You're Located

Another factor that can affect roofing costs is the area in which you're located. If you're in a large urban area like Miami or Tampa Bay, you're likely going to pay more for roofing services than you would in a small town in the middle of nowhere.

This is because everything costs more in a big city, and therefore, roofing companies need to charge more money in order to make a profit. Plus, roofing companies in urban areas tend to have higher demand and therefore can command higher rates.

The Quality of the Company You Hire to Install/Replace Your Roof

Different roofing companies possess different levels of experience, not to mention different levels of skill and reputation. Generally speaking, the more experience and the better the reputation of the roofing company, the more money it's going to charge for its services. This is because it has higher demand from customers and can charge a premium for its services.

On the other hand, brand-new roofers don't tend to charge as much, as they have a hard time finding customers who are willing to pay high rates for unproven services.

Now, you could opt for a new roofing contractor and get extremely cheap services. However, you would be gambling with your money. If they were to make a mistake, you could end up having to pay even more to get that mistake fixed.

This is why it's best to just go with a reputable and established company. You can rest assured that they'll get the job done correctly, even if you do have to pay a little more for their services.

The Roofing Components That Need to Be Replaced

Roofs consist of more than just shingles or superficial material. They're comprised of several layers, including sheathing, a waterproof membrane, flashing, and more.

Of course, each of these layers comes with its own costs. So, if you need to replace one of these layers during the roof replacement project, you're going to pay more than you would otherwise.

That said, a standard roof replacement simply requires a replacement of the top material. Only in rare cases do you need to replace the layers underneath.

The Size of Your Roof

As you might expect, the size of your roof can affect its cost as well. Not only will materials cost more for a bigger roof, but so too will labor. This is because a larger roof takes longer to complete than a shorter roof.

The $15,000 figure above is the average for a 2,000-square-foot roof. If your roof is bigger than that, you could easily shoot beyond $20,000, $25,000, or even $30,000. Conversely, if you have a 1000-square-foot roof, you may pay less than $10,000.

The Complexity of Your Roof

Not only does the size of your roof affect the cost, but so too does the complexity of your roof. Roofs with more planes are typically more expensive to install and replace. This is because they require additional flashing work, and generally take longer to accommodate.

Have a particularly steep roof? If so, additional equipment will be required in order for your contractor to replace it safely. This will run up the cost.

Is your roof extremely high off the ground? This is going to drive costs up as well, as additional safety precautions will need to be utilized.

In short, if there's anything unusual about your roof, you're likely going to have to pay a little more to have it installed or replaced.

Whether You Have Your Old Roofing Materials Dumped for You

When a roof is replaced, the old roofing materials have to be removed first. At first, they're thrown down to the ground below. But what happens to them after the roofing project is over?

In some cases, roofing companies will force you to dispose of your old roofing materials on your own. In other cases, they'll dispose of them for you. Note, though, that if you take advantage of the latter, you're likely going to have to pay a premium for it.    

Don't Forget About Roof Maintenance

When assessing roofing costs, it's important to look further than just initial purchase and installation costs. These will be the biggest expenses, yes. However, there are also costs that roofs will incur over time: maintenance costs.

While all roof materials require some level of maintenance, some require more maintenance than others. Most roofing materials just require sporadic cleaning. You might have to pay a few bucks for an algae removal solution every once in a while.

On the other hand, materials like cedar shakes need to be sealed every 3 to 5 years. If they're not, they'll buckle and warp prematurely, leading to their early demise.

Of course, all of this costs additional money, even if you do it yourself. And if you do use the services of a roofing company to handle your roof maintenance needs, the cost differences over time can be substantial.

Just keep this in mind when choosing a material. Do research on each material's maintenance needs and factor those extra costs into your overall roofing costs over time.

Need a New Roof in Florida?

Now that you have an answer to "How much does a new roof cost in Florida?", you might be ready to install or replace your roof. If so, and if you need Florida roofing services, look no further than TEK Construction Group.

We've installed countless roofs throughout the state of Florida. Regardless of the type of roof that you're looking to install, our team of skilled and seasoned roofers has you covered.

Contact us today to discuss your roofing needs!

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